Wayne Dalton Garage Door
Guide to Wood Models
The Wayne Dalton Garage Door company has been in business since 1954, and now is one of the top garage door manufacturers in the US. They offer a wide variety of sectional overhead garage doors in their residential line, as well as rollup and sectional overhead commercial garage doors.
Wayne Dalton offers residential styles in wood, steel, fiberglass, and glass-aluminum. On this page, we will focus on their offerings in residential wood doors. To learn more about their steel, fiberglass, and glass/aluminum models, visit our other Wayne Dalton Doors page by clicking on the link below on the right.
The Wayne Dalton website has a wealth of information about the different options and designs, with lots of photos and information about the different features. You can download product brochures in PDF format, but some of the files are rather large and it may take a minute or two for the bigger ones to load.
Wayne Dalton garage doors are split up into Premium, Select and Basic model lines. Each model line has several styles, and it is a little difficult to compare the different door options on their website. Below is a quick summary of the features and construction details that come with each model of wooden garage door.
7420 Series: These are top of the line stain grade carriage style garage doors. They have a swing-open appearance, with continuous vertical raised panels. They can be made of hemlock or Western Red Cedar.

7400 Series: These are also a carriage style design, and can be either paint or stain grade. They have recessed panels with cedar trim, and the recessed panels can be made of a variety of different woods. They are insulated with a polystyrene core.
7100 Series: Stile-and-rail construction, paint-grade carriage style doors with a hemlock frame and plywood panels, except for the 7105. The 7105 is made of stain grade hemlock or cedar with raised panels.
7000 Series: These are also a paint grade carriage style design, with hemlock frames and either plywood or hardboard recessed panels. They have an insulated core, and windows are standard.

300 Series: Solid wood, raised panel doors with hemlock frames, and either hemlock or optional cedar panels. They can be painted or stained, and can be ordered with a number of different designs carved into the raised panels.
100 Series: Simple colonial style with recessed hardboard panels and a hemlock or spruce frame.
40 Series: Flush style doors with hardboard or plywood exterior and interior panels. Most are insulated with a polystyrene core.
Most wooden Wayne Dalton garage door models are available with your choice of decorative hinges or handles. These items help complete the carriage-style look if that is what you are going for. Of course, a number of different window styles are available on most doors also.
If you want the look of wood without the hassles, take a look at the low maintenance Wayne Dalton Garage Doors. There are a large number of wood textured steel doors available, and they also have a door with a fiberglass skin that looks very realistic. With all the different options available, Wayne Dalton has a garage door to suit almost every need.
For more information on other garage door companies, go to our Related Pages menu on the right near the top of this page.
* This information is offered for reference only, and is deemed to be reasonably accurate at the time of this writing. Garage Plans Etc. has no affiliation to or relationship with Wayne-Dalton. Not responsible for omissions or errors. Please refer to the Wayne Dalton Garage Door website or contact the nearest dealer for current specs and information.
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